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Boost Your Brand: Top 8 Items Small Businesses Should Put Their Logo On in 2024

In today’s competitive market, establishing a strong brand presence is crucial for the success of any small business. One effective way to promote your brand is by using promotional products adorned with your logo. These items not only serve as useful tools but also act as powerful marketing tools, increasing brand visibility and recognition. In […]

Lead Generation Guide for Beginners

Leads. Everyone is after them, and while generating them might seem like this daunting process that takes a huge amount of resources, it doesn’t have to be that way (especially if you’re just starting out!) That’s why, in this article, we’ll review the basics of lead generation. From understanding what leads to the types of leads you […]

Navigating Social Media

using smartphone to engage social media

Navigating Social Media, even if you are not a Millennial     By: Gary Robinson, CEO, Inside Line The internet and the world have changed so much over the past two decades, making it hard to keep up. Social media can be especially challenging to navigate and it may seem like millennials and Gen Z […]

5 Rules For Choosing Your Brand Colors

Children assign personality traits and emotions to stuffed animals. Adults subconsciously do the same thing. For example, you wouldn’t buy your child a stuffed toy that looks like a demon, right? Of course not. That’s because you assigned personality traits and emotions to that stuffed toy even as an adult. You do the same thing […]

The Secret Sauce for Start-Up Success: Consistency in Social Media Posting

In the fast-paced world of start-up businesses, every move matters. From building brand awareness to connecting with your target audience, it’s crucial to make every effort count. And one strategy that often goes overlooked but can make a significant impact is maintaining a regular social media posting schedule. Here’s why a consistent posting schedule is […]

Turning Missed Calls Into Business Opportunities

In today’s fast-paced business world, small businesses are constantly seeking cost-effective solutions to maximize their efficiency and profitability. One of the problems of start-ups, or small businesses are Missed Calls.   When a potential client is looking for a business, and one picks up the phone, or it goes to voice mail, 87% of them scroll […]

14 Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Whether you run an e-commerce business or a traditional brick-and-mortar store, investing in digital marketing can be essential in promoting your brand and remaining competitive in the marketplace. Digital marketing typically involves online marketing methods, but it can also include local marketing options. Here are 14 digital marketing tips to consider when developing your marketing […]

Lead Generation Funnels for Small Businesses and Startups-A Good Idea?

In the competitive landscape of startups, a well-crafted lead generation funnel can be a game-changer. It serves as a roadmap for attracting, nurturing, and converting potential customers into loyal clients. By strategically guiding prospects through various stages, from awareness to purchase, a lead generation funnel empowers startups to optimize their marketing efforts and maximize ROI. […]